Well, tomorrow sees me attending my first show/event of 2011.
As I haven't been to a show since a couple of weeks before Xmas I had to really sit and think about exactly what I needed to take with me! I got so used to it last year that I practically got everything together each Friday evening without actually being aware of what I was doing, but its amazing how quickly you forget.
I'm sure I've got everything safely stowed in the car but have a horrible feeling I'm going to get to where I'm going tomorrow and realise I've left something at home.
Tomorrow is the first time I'm going to use my new (and hopefully improved) shelving system at the back of the table. Really its just two cheap shoe racks but my idea is to place them end to end across the back of the table I'm allocated then cover with a cloth, but it will mean the nappy cakes will be sitting slightly higher than the ones at the front of the table. This will also mean that people passing by will be able to see all the nappy cakes easily rather than having to lean over the table.
I'm also taking the new scan mounts that I have framed as it should give people a chance to buy something immediately rather than just picking up a leaflet for when the baby is born.
The general concensus of opinion is that all the leaflets you give out during the course of a day - one third will be thrown away, one third will be lost and the other third will keep a hold of them and (hopefully) remember where it is when they want to order.
I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow evening. Meanwhile take a look at the photo above of the framed scan mount - I have got several different frame colours and actual mounts - so if you know of anyone who has just had their 12 or 20 week scan and isn't sure what to do with the photos, why not purchase one of these - they are on my website.
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