Got a telephone call on Tuesday night - thanks to all the flight disruption, one of the stall holders that should have been attending a gift fair tomorrow (Saturday) was stranded in Dubai and would I like to take their place?
Well, considering I've been on the waiting list for while I jumped at the chance. Then, get a phone call Thursday evening to say that as flights are now running again the place has been taken by the original attendee. Oh typical!
The woman who called must have felt sorry for me though as she said I could set up a table outside the hall and bearing in mind this weekend is meant to be warm and sunny I said I may as well.
So, I then decided I needed an alternative to just the nappy cakes and decided to try my hand at making baby sock cupcakes. I got myself on the old world wide web and ordered some cake boxes and cupcake cases and settled myself down for a quick lesson.
They have actually come out much better than I hoped so I am going to take them along tomorrow and see how they sell.
I'll keep you posted.
Have a great weekend all.